Fun Fall Facts

Only America calls it Fall

It was originally known as harvest. In the 1300s it became autumn.  English

poets wrote of “the fall of leaves” thus the presently, in the United States,

the term Fall.  England still calls it autumn.

  • There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples

Only 2,500 varieties of apple are grown in the United States.  It would take

6.85 years to taste each variety every day to keep the doctor away.

*   The flavor pumpkin spice doesn’t actually taste quite like pumpkins

It’s that time of year …. pumpkin-spice! We’re talking lattes, cereal, ice cream, butter and even yogurt. But what exactly goes into the beloved flavor of fall? Truth is, it’s almost never the orange-fleshed vegetable – pumpkin. Instead, the flavor comes from a mix of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, dry ginger and cloves, except when food companies take over. Most times, they create a synthetic version using chemicals found naturally in pumpkins and some of the previously listed spices. Those chemicals trick your brain into thinking that whatever concoction you’re consuming is pumpkin.

  • The brightest full moon is in fall

The full moon in the fall is called the harvest moon and occurs during the

equinox.  Farmers used its brilliance to help harvest their crops.

  • Bobbing for apples was a Courting Ritual

This Halloween party game was a British courting ritual.  Men were

assigned an apple and women tried for the apple of the man she had an

eye on.  If she got the got the right apple it was an omen they were

destined for each other.  The apple of her eye?

  • Fall leaf colors are caused by sugar

What really makes the leaves turn those beautiful red, orange, and yellow

colors in the fall?  It’s because of the amount of sugar in the leaves.  That is

why maple leaves turn vibrant red.