Spring to Summer Transition
Spring to Summer Transition: Flower Garden Design for Continuous Blooms
It’s important to plan ahead for the transition from spring to summer. If you wait until spring to start planning your summer garden, you’re much more likely to
It’s important to plan ahead for the transition from spring to summer. If you wait until spring to start planning your summer garden, you’re much more likely to have a gap between your early spring blooms and your summer blooms.
The key to a successful spring-summer flower garden lies in designing with staggered bloom times in mind. Research the bloom times of your chosen plants, categorizing them as early, mid, or late spring and summer bloomers. This allows you to fill the gaps left by fading spring flowers with the vibrant bursts of summer.
Companion Planting
Companion planting spring bulbs with perennials that bloom in late spring and early summer can be a great strategy to ease the transition between seasons.
As the bulb plants finish blooming, early summer perennials can add a fresh
burst of color and help hide the dead foliage left behind by your bulbs.
Fill In with Summer Annuals
Your summer annuals can then come in to support the perennial plants and fill out your garden as the warmer season continues.
Don’t Forget Container Gardening
Container planting is another fantastic way to transition the garden from spring to summer. Plant summer blooms in patio pots, window boxes and other containers for flowering plants you can easily move around.
While containers look beautiful on a deck, patio or porch, they can also be used throughout your garden to fill in any empty spots.
Here is a list of some easy-care spring garden flowers that will bloom into summer.