Growing Herbs in a Strawberry Pot
You can create a culinary herb garden by growing herbs in a Strawberry Pot which gives the herbs great drainage and saves on space. Place it on a balcony or near a door for easy access when cooking.
First of all, what’s a Strawberry Pot?
Your initial thought may be … a large cooking kettle for making jam. That’s a tasty thought, but a Strawberry Pot is a container to grow strawberries in a small space like a deck or patio. They can be purchased at many nurseries, big box hardware stores, and many places online. They vary in size and a little in shape, but basically look like the one pictured. This one has six holes on the sides and on top, so seven plants are needed to fill it. Herbs are typically drought tolerant and love good drainage making them a perfect candidate for this type of planter.

What are the best herbs to plant?
You can grow almost any herb you want in a strawberry planter. Stay away from invasive herbs, though. This includes varieties of mint, lemon balm, and catnip. A few herbs that we chose to grow in this pot are thyme, basil, sage, and oregano.
For the sides, you want to choose lower growing and trailing herbs, such as thyme, oregano, mint, marjoram, and trailing rosemary.
When planting the herbs in the pot, place taller herb varieties, like basil, in the top of the pot while tucking smaller herb varieties, like thyme, in the pockets. Feel free to divide herbs so they fit more snugly in the planter’s pockets: Most plants are pretty tough and can actually be pulled into multiple sections. You can also make the root balls smaller by carefully stripping them of excess soil.
How to Plant Herbs in a Strawberry Pot
Start by placing some good potting soil in the bottom of the planter.
- Take one of your plants earmarked for the side and plant it by gently pushing the plant material from the inside out.
- Then fill the container with more soil until you get to the next side opening.
- Continue in the same manner adding your tall plant at the top.
- Give it a good drink of water from the top, and also water the sides.
Herb Pot Maintenance
Water thoroughly, at least once a week, typically twice or more if you have a very hot summer although many herbs will tolerate dry conditions.
If you don’t use enough herbs in your everyday cooking be sure to keep them trimmed. This will maintain a pretty shape and will ensure nice bushy growth. Also, once they flower the plant will start to end its life cycle so trimming off the flower heads is a good practice.
Short on space and long on beauty. As long as you have some decent sun you can easily grow your own herb garden in a strawberry pot.
Sources: Better Homes and Gardens – Mar 17, 2022